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다음 지문에서 어법상 틀린 곳을 모두 고르시오. (총 9개)
The largest species of octopus in the world, the giant Pacific octopus, usually grows to about 3 m in length and weigh up to 272 kg. It lives on the rim of the North Pacific Ocean, which it crawls about on the bottom, uses its long, sucker-covered arms. It seeks out rocky dens on the seabed; youngsters will often dig holes under rocks in sand. Here, the octopus can take refuge from predators — seals, sharks, and other large fishes — too big to slip through the den mouth. Forage mainly at night, this giant octopus looks especial for crabs and lobsters, but also taking shrimp and shellfish, smaller octopuses, and fishes. Often it will return to its den to feed, deposit empty shells and other inedible fragments of prey in piles at the entrance. Like its relatives, this octopus mostly lives alone, except for a brief period when adults come together for mating. The female lies her eggs in a den, and will tend them until her young is emerged. She will not feed in all this time — and will die soon after her young emerge.
[정답] weigh→weighs, which→where, uses→using, Forage→Foraging, especial→especially, taking→takes, deposit→depositing, lies→lays, is emerged→emerge