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- 23년 9월 고1 영어 모의고사 어휘 학습 자료
- 18~45번 문항의 영어 단어 학습을 위한 6종 문제풀이
- 총 '6파트'로 구성 :
1. 정의 매칭 (Definition Matching)
ex) Something to hold onto for support.
① obstacle ② handhold ③ barrier ④ block ⑤ hindrance
2. 문장 완성 (Sentence Completion)
ex) The school is hosting a __________ next week.
① dance ② play ③ Chemistry fair ④ concert ⑤ competition
3. 동의어 찾기 (Synonym Finding)
ex) Synonym for "participant":
① observer ② competitor ③ viewer ④ spectator ⑤ listener
4. 반의어 찾기 (Antonym Finding)
ex) Antonym for "compassion":
① sympathy ② indifference ③ apathy ④ care ⑤ concern
5. 단어 유추 (Word Analogy)
ex) Director is to manage as participant is to __________.
① compete ② watch ③ sleep ④ read ⑤ listen
6. 문맥 속 단어 추론 (Word in Context)
ex) She participated in the annual __________ to showcase her project.
① dance ② concert ③ Chemistry fair ④ performance ⑤ parade
< 2024년 07월 10일 자료 1차 업데이트>